Where can I find information about my student's performance on their Learning Path?
Students and families find their previous and current work and averages under "My Learning Path"
Compare Scores Throughout the Year
- Select either "Reading" or "Math"
- Select "My Learning Path"
A monthly view will appear.
In the example above you can see that the student:
- Didn't work on their learning path until January.
- Earned an average greater than 80% in January (four stars) and has not earned that same average since.
- Spent 30 minutes working on their learning path in January, a bit more than 90 minutes in February and a bit more than 60 minutes in March.

Students should work on each learning path at least 30 minutes a week
- A list of activities the student has completed will appear. You can see the score the student earned, how much time they spent working and the date they finished the activity.

Students who don't earn an 80% have an opportunity to "re-do" that activity.
In the example above the student earned 80% or better on three of the five assignments.
- Notice the difference in the amount of time the student spent working on the activities with the "green" dot versus those with the "red" dot.
- You can click on the down arrows at the bottom of the screen to see more activities from the student's learning path.
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