How can I use the information on SE Competency Survey Insights?

How can I use the information on SE Competency Survey Insights?

To monitor and take action on student strengths and gaps in the CASEL core competencies. 

Information captured includes:
  1. Count of students with available SE competency data from each testing window
  2. General and competency specific response details
  3. Lists of enrolled students including survey date and competency averages for each individual student.
As an administrator, this dashboard has automatically been added to your Insights page.
These reports are not available at the teacher level.

Student Count

  1. Students Surveyed are reported for the school or district
  2. Displays how many students have SE Survey responses for the selected testing window.
  3. Displays surveyed students as a percentage of students enrolled in Classworks.

Overall SE and Specific CASEL Core Competency Data 

  1. Data is displayed showing the number of students whose responses to survey questions place them in one of 4 categories
  2. Categories are based on how easy or difficult students rated scenarios from the survey questions
Read more about how the SE Survey is Scored

School-based Administrators/Counseling Staff

  1. Bar Graphs to compare level of student competency/comfort 
  2. Recognize grade levels with specific needs to allocate resources efficiently
  3. Click a specific competency area to update the list of students appearing at the bottom of the screen.

District-wide Administrators/Counseling Staff

  1. Bar Graphs to compare SE competencies across multiple schools
  2. Recognize schools with greatest need to allocate resources efficiently 
  3. Use the controls and filters to update the list of students appearing at the bottom of the screen.

Individual Student Overall and Competency Survey Results

*This dashboard updates every 4 hours.
Selecting any portion of a bar graph updates the student list and displays information about the student's survey results

Administrators/Counseling Staff

  1. View a group of students whose survey indicates similar strengths and areas of need to develop groups for targeted small group counseling and support
  2. Identify students who have not completed the survey for the current testing window
  3. Export this table as .csv or Excel file