How does NWEA MAP Growth assessment results inform a student's individualized learning progression?

How does NWEA MAP Growth assessment results inform a student's individualized learning progression?

NWEA is in the process of recalibrating its RIT scale and adopting an enhanced item selection algorithm in their newer assessments. These product updates are being released across both growth and screening tests with some states experiencing updates during the 2023-2024 school year and others seeing the changes in 2024-2025. NWEA is in a calibration phase and has identified 2025 as the target for releasing new status and growth norms. 

The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) provides adaptive assessments called the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP and MAP for Primary) that provide data on student achievement levels. The assessments are state-aligned computerized adaptive tests that assess skills in Reading, Language Usage, Math 2-5 and Math 6+. Classworks reads and imports student results from NWEA MAP Growth and automatically assigns an individual learning progression for each student, according to the GLE of the Subgoal RIT score.

By using data from a nationally recognized assessment program, like NWEA, to individualize learning in Classworks, you can provide relevant instruction for every student, giving them the exact skills they need at the level they need them. 

To enable the automated NWEA API Integration, follow the steps here.

NWEA MAP testing data and Classworks.

Enabling the NWEA integration allows Classworks to automatically load any NWEA results once they are available for students. Once results have been added to Classworks, they will be analyzed and student's Individualized Learning Progressions will be created/updated automatically!

1. To view NWEA MAP Growth test data in Classworks, click view detail to the right of your student name.

2. Next, select Additional Test Data

3. Any NWEA Growth data that has been uploaded for that student will appear here.

4. Finally, using the GLE of the Subgoal RIT score, Classworks will align the Subgoal to the Classworks skill domain and turn on the aligned skills in the progression for each student.

If students already have an ILP using previous NWEA assessment data, the ILP will be updated to reflect their results from the newest available data