How do I customize a student's Individualized Learning path?

How do I customize a student's Individualized Learning path?

Staff can customize the instruction available in a student's Learning Path by activating new lessons or deactivating currently assigned lessons.

Using the filters along the left side of the Individualized Learning screen helps teachers focus in on students whose Learning Paths require customization.

Teacher User Example

  1. A student has an IEP or other academic goal written for a set of specific skills
  1. This student has struggled with instruction on their Learning Path related to this goal and the teacher wants to assign pre-requisite skill units


  1. Once Individualized Learning Paths have been created for students, users will be able to easily view and customize what is a part of their individualized learning.
  1. All of this will be done from the Individualized Learning tab.

Step-by-Step Guidance

  1. You are able to view or customize an Individualized Learning Path for a particular student if desired.
  1. After navigating to the Individualized Learning tab and applying your filter options, you are presented with a list of students that met your criteria.
  1. Next to a student's name, click the view detail button to see what skills are assigned in that ILP.

  1. You will see a popup showing you all of the information for that student's ILP, including what recommended skills they've been assigned, their average for each skill, and time on task.

  1. To turn off a particular skill simply click the toggle button beside its name. It will slide the bar from the left to the right.
Once a skill has been turned off, it will be removed from the Recommended Skills list and will be available in the All Skills list.
  1. If a student has been working in their ILP, items may show as completed and averages and time on task may be available. 
  2. Click the + symbol next to a skill to view all of the unit components.

  1. To re-assign a skill or component(s), click the toggle button to change from grey to blue:

  1. To skip a unit or activity for the student, click the toggle to change it from Blue to Grey, indicating that it has been skipped.
  1. To add a new skill unit, click All Skills, locate the skill, and click the toggle to change it from Grey to Blue. This skill unit will then be added to the student's learning progression.

  1. Once you are done viewing or modifying a student's ILP, you can click X in the top right corner. These changes will save automatically.