How do I get Classworks setup for a new school year?

How do I get Classworks setup for a new school year?


Each year, Classworks archives student data so that we may start fresh for the new school year.  At that point, all student data and classes will be removed from your Classworks database. Non-student user data will remain - so teachers, administrators, lab managers, etc. will still be able to log in. Additionally, all Custom Instruction and Assessments will still be available but will have to be shared again. 

This process typically takes place between July and August (region-dependent). Your dedicated Classworks Account Manager will reach out to the district administrative users via email at least 30 days prior to the End of Year date to notify them to generate any reports that they would like to run before their database is cleaned out to prepare it for the next year. 

Run Desired Reports

While not required, it is recommended that you run any Classworks usage reports that you might need before the end of year date. While student data will be archived, it will be in CSV format. Any detailed screening or instructional reports, as well as progress monitoring graphs will no longer be available. Check out this blog post containing links to recommended reports and steps on downloading them.

You may want to consult your district and/or school implementation plan to see which reports are suggested for you. You can also contact customer support (see below) or your district's Account Manager for more information. 

Data Archive

Once the data has been cleared from your database, you will still have access to a zip folder that contains all of your summarized usage data from the previous school year. You may need this data for internal records or to track usage or growth longitudinally. 

Users with District Administrative permissions can log into Classworks, click their name, and choose Manage Classworks. From there, they will select the Data Archive sub-tab and click the Download button for the desired school year.

This zipped folder contains 8 .CSV files that contain all of your summary data from the beginning of the previous year up to the Classworks end of year date. For more information about what is included in these .CSV files, please see the article about the Classworks Data Export.

Starting the New Year

After the Classworks End of Year date, District Technology Teams will receive an email from the Classworks Support Team letting them know that we are now ready to start the new year! Our team will work with you in setting up any integrations and, if applicable, provide steps on how to import new students/users. 

It will be important to ensure all users and integrations are setup prior to the back to school date and/or scheduled trainings. Classworks Support will be there to help through the entire process!

Additional Support

For additional assistance during this process, please contact Classworks Customer Support:

Use the in-product chat to quickly resolve your question with a Classworks Success Team Member!

(888) 841-4790 Available Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm (EST)

Or you can email:

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