What is the Classworks Data Export?

What is the Classworks Data Export?

As a District Administrator, you can download all of your Classworks usage data for the current school year, or for specific dates. The Data Export provides CSV files with assessment and instruction summary data for schools and students. You may need this to show growth on Classworks assessments from one year to the next, or even to see how much Classworks usage there was across schools, grade levels, and subjects.

We strongly recommend downloading this export before completing the New Year process (which will delete all the data in the Classworks manager), however, the export can be completed any time throughout the year.

Exporting the Summary Data

1. Click on your name in the top right then click Manage Classworks.

2. Next, click the Utilities sub-tab. To the right of Summary Data Export, click Export Now.

3. Select a date range for your export and click Export Now. You will see a popup that says, "Data export queued. An email will be sent when finished."

4. Once you receive the email (or if you check back later) you can click Download Latest.

Note: This will download the most recent export of the data. You can view the Start Date/Time and the Complete Date/Time in the log, if necessary.

5. The export file will begin downloading. It will download as a zip file containing the following eight .csv files:
  • Language Arts/Reading

  • Mathematics

  • Progress Monitoring: Language Arts

  • Progress Monitoring: Mathematics

  • Progress Monitoring Overview

  • School Summary

  • Science

  • Student Enrollment

Language Arts/Reading

Below describes the information provided in each column of this file.

  1. District Student ID: The student's District Student ID.
  2. Student First Name: The student's first name.
  3. Student Last Name: The student's last name.
  4. School Name: The school the student is enrolled in.
  5. Student Assessment Grade: The grade the student is enrolled in Classworks as.
  6. Teacher-Led Unit Score Average: The average Unit Scores for all Integrated Reading Activities completed/mastered.
  7. Individualized Learning Unit Score Average: The average Unit Score Average for completed/mastered units of language arts instruction (not including Integrated Reading).
  8. Individualized Learning Units Completed Count: Number of completed/mastered Units in Language Arts (not including Integrated Reading).
  9. Individualized Learning Time-on-Task Sum: Sum of all time-on-task for Units in Language Arts (not including Integrated Reading) in seconds.
  10. Universal Screener EOY Target Score: The Universal Screener End of Year Target score for a student in the student's grade level. This is the spring target for the student grade.
  11. Universal Screener Fall Score: The last attempted Universal Screener score for the student in the Fall testing window.
  12. Fall Percent Rank: The student's norm-referenced percentile ranking according to their last attempted Universal Screener in the Fall testing window.
  13. Universal Screener Winter Score: The last attempted Universal Screener score for the student in the Winter testing window.
  14. Winter Percent Rank: The student's norm-referenced percentile ranking according to their last attempted Universal Screener in the Winter testing window.
  15. Universal Screener Spring Score: The last attempted Universal Screener score for the student in the Spring testing window.
  16. Spring Percent Rank: The student's norm-referenced percentile ranking according to their last attempted Universal Screener in the Spring testing window.


Below describes the information provided in each column of this file.

  1. District Student ID: The student's District Student ID.
  2. Student First Name: The student's first name.
  3. Student Last Name: The student's last name.
  4. School Name: The school the student is enrolled in.
  5. Student Assessment Grade: The grade the student is enrolled in Classworks as.
  6. Teacher-Led Unit Score Average: The average Unit Scores for all Applied Math units completed/mastered.
  7. Individualized Learning Unit Score Average: The average Unit Score Average for completed/mastered units of math instruction (not including Applied Math).
  8. Individualized Learning Units Completed Count: Number of completed/mastered units in math (not including Applied Math).
  9. Individualized Learning Time-on-Task Sum: Sum of all time-on-task for units in math (not including Applied Math) in seconds.
  10. Universal Screener EOY Target Score: The US EOY Target score for a student in the student's grade level. This is the spring target for the student grade.
  11. Universal Screener Fall Score: The last US score for the student in the Fall testing window.
  12. Fall Percent Rank: The student's norm-referenced percentile ranking according to their last attempted Universal Screener in the Fall testing window.
  13. Universal Screener Winter Score: The last US score for the student in the Winter testing window.
  14. Winter Percent Rank: The student's norm-referenced percentile ranking according to their last attempted Universal Screener in the Winter testing window.
  15. Universal Screener Spring Score: The last US score for the student in the Spring testing window.
  16. Spring Percent Rank: The student's norm-referenced percentile ranking according to their last attempted Universal Screener in the Spring testing window.

Progress Monitoring: Language Arts

Below describes the information provided in each column of this file.

  1. District Student ID: The student's District Student ID.
  2. Student First Name: The student's first name.
  3. Student Last Name: The student's last name.
  4. School Name: The school the student is enrolled in.
  5. Student Grade: The grade the student is enrolled in Classworks as.
  6. Subject: Language Arts Progress Monitoring.
  7. PM Level: The level the student was being progress monitored at.
  8. Week: Which week out of the 12-week session is the data in the current row for.
  9. Date Completed: The date and time the student completed that week's CBM probe.
  10. Time on Task: The amount of time the student spent completing that week's CBM probe (HH:MM:SS).
  11. Scaled Score: The student's score for that week's CBM probe.
  12. GLE: The Grade Level Equivalency the student is performing at.
  13. Percentile Rank: The student's norm-referenced percentile ranking according to that week's CBM score.
  14. Domains Covered: Columns N - T will provide insight on which domains the student was tested on, and how many questions they got right (ie. 1/3 - 1 out of 3).

Progress Monitoring: Mathematics

Below describes the information provided in each column of this file.

  1. District Student ID: The student's District Student ID.
  2. Student First Name: The student's first name.
  3. Student Last Name: The student's last name.
  4. School Name: The school the student is enrolled in.
  5. Student Grade: The grade the student is enrolled in Classworks as.
  6. Subject: Mathematics Progress Monitoring.
  7. PM Level: The level the student was being progress monitored at.
  8. Week: Which week out of the 12-week session is the data in the current row for.
  9. Date Completed: The date and time the student completed that week's CBM probe.
  10. Time on Task: The amount of time the student spent completing that week's CBM probe (HH:MM:SS).
  11. Scaled Score: The student's score for that week's CBM probe.
  12. GLE: The Grade Level Equivalency the student is performing at.
  13. Percentile Rank: The student's norm-referenced percentile ranking according to that week's CBM score.
  14. Domains Covered: Columns N - W will provide insight on which domains the student was tested on, and how many questions they got right (ie. 1/3 - 1 out of 3).

Progress Monitoring Overview

Below describes the information provided in each column of this file.

  1. District Student ID: The student's District Student ID.
  2. Student First Name: The student's first name.
  3. Student Last Name: The student's last name.
  4. School Name: The school the student is enrolled in.
  5. Student Grade: The grade the student is enrolled in Classworks as.
  6. Subject: Was this for Language Arts or Mathematics Progress Monitoring.
  7. PM Level: The level the student was being progress monitored at.
  8. Start Date: The start date for the 12-week session.
  9. Status: Shows whether this is a completed or currently active progress monitoring session.
  10. Target: Shows the last selected target goal for this session (Moderate or Aggressive).
  11. Target Rate: The target rate of improvement for the student to meet their goal.
  12. Current Rate of Improvement: The student's current rate of improvement based on their weekly results at that point in time.
  13. Current Rate of Improvement Status: According to their Current Rate of Improvement, is the student below or on target to meet their goal. If there is not enough data to determine (less than 3 data points), this will show as TBD.
  14. Week 1 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  15. Week 1 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  16. Week 2 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  17. Week 2 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  18. Week 3 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  19. Week 3 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  20. Week 4 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  21. Week 4 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  22. Week 5 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  23. Week 5 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  24. Week 6 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  25. Week 6 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  26. Week 7 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  27. Week 7 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  28. Week 8 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  29. Week 8 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  30. Week 9 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  31. Week 9 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  32. Week 10 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  33. Week 10 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  34. Week 11 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  35. Week 11 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.
  36. Week 12 Scaled Score: The student's score for this weekly CBM probe.
  37. Week 12 Date Completed: The date and time the student completed this weekly CBM Probe.

School Summary

Below describes the information provided in each column of this file.

  1. School Name: The school(s) you have listed in Classworks.
  2. Grade Level: The grade level in the school(s).
  3. Total Student Count: The total amount of students in each grade at the school(s).
  4. IL Math Student Count: The number of students that have worked in mathematics ILPs.
  5. IL Math Unit Score Average: The average score of your students that worked in mathematics ILPs.
  6. IL Math Time on Task Sum: The total amount of time your students worked in mathematics ILPs (in seconds).
  7. IL LA Student Count: The number of students that have worked in language arts ILPs.
  8. IL LA Unit Score Average: The average score of your students that worked in language arts ILPs.
  9. IL LA Time on Task Sum: The total amount of time your students worked in language arts ILPs (in seconds).
  10. US Fall Math Student Count: The number of students that completed the Fall Universal Screener in math.
  11. US Fall Math Score Average: The average score for students that completed the Fall Universal Screener in math.
  12. US Winter Math Student Count: The number of students that completed the Winter Universal Screener in math.
  13. US Winter Math Score Average: The average score for students that completed the Winter Universal Screener in math.
  14. US Spring Math Student Count: The number of students that completed the Spring Universal Screener in math.
  15. US Spring Math Score Average: The average score for students that completed the Spring Universal Screener in math.
  16. US Fall LA Student Count: The number of students that completed the Fall Universal Screener in language arts.
  17. US Fall LA Score Average: The average score for students that completed the Fall Universal Screener in language arts.
  18. US Winter LA Student Count: The number of students that completed the Winter Universal Screener in language arts.
  19. US Winter LA Score Average: The average score for students that completed the Winter Universal Screener in language arts.
  20. US Spring LA Student Count: The number of students that completed the Spring Universal Screener in language arts.
  21. US Spring LA Score Average: The average score for students that completed the Spring Universal Screener in language arts.


Below describes the information provided in each column of this file.

  1. District Student ID: The student's District Student ID.
  2. Student First Name: The student's first name.
  3. Student Last Name: The student's last name.
  4. School Name: The school the student is enrolled in.
  5. Student Grade: The grade the student is enrolled in Classworks as.
  6. Teacher-Led Unit Score Average: The average unit scores for all completed/mastered instruction for Science.

Student Enrollment

Below describes the information provided in each column of this file.

  1. School Name: The school the student is enrolled in.
  2. District User ID: The student's District Student ID.
  3. Username: The student's Classworks username.
  4. Last Name: The student's last name.
  5. First Name: The student's first name.
  6. Birthdate: The student's birthdate.
  7. Grade: The grade the student is enrolled in.
  8. Password: The student's password.
  9. SIS School ID: The School's SIS ID.
  10. Email: The student's email address (if applicable).
  11. User Type: The file only contains student enrollment data, so it will be noted as 0 for all.
  12. Demographics: Columns L - R contain any demographics information (gender, race, ELL, SpED, etc) for the student.

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