How do I duplicate a class?

How do I duplicate a class?

 You can duplicate a class when you edit a class!

Duplicating a class is useful when:

  1. Students move as a class group to different content area courses. Some schools departmentalize content in upper elementary grades
  1. A new staff member joins midway through a school -and- the school chooses to maintain separate record of student progress with the previous instructor

Access Edit Class Menu

  1. Staff can edit a class from the Individualized Learning, Progress Monitoring and Classes screens

Progress Monitoring and Individualized Learning Screens

  1. From the Individualized Learning or Progress Monitoring screen use the class filter to select the class to be edited

Classes Screen

  1. From the Classes screen select the name of the class you wish to edit
  1. Click on the Classes tab then click on the Class Name you want to duplicate.

2. Click the Edit Class button towards the top of the screen.

Step-by-Step Guidance

  1. Scroll to the bottom and click duplicate class.

  1. The page will refresh and a new class, with the same teacher(s) and students will be created.
  1. Enter a new name for your class and select a new icon:

  1. Add any additional co-teachers or students as desired:

  1. Scroll to the bottom and Save! Once saved, you will be brought back to your list of classes where you will see the duplicate class that you just created:

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