Can I delete a class from Classworks?

Can I delete a class from Classworks?

Yes! You can delete a class when you edit a class!
When a class is deleted, all data, assignments, and assessments from the class are removed and cannot be retrieved. Print all necessary reports prior to deleting a class.

It's important to note that deleting a class removes the class from Classworks and does not remove the students enrolled in the class.  

Delete a Class as a Teacher

Access Edit Class Menu

  1. Staff can edit a class from the Individualized Learning, Progress Monitoring and Classes screens

Progress Monitoring and Individualized Learning Screens

  1. From the Individualized Learning or Progress Monitoring screen use the class filter to select the class to be deleted
  1. Select "Edit" as shown below

Classes Screen

  1. From the Classes screen select the name of the class you wish to delete

  1. Click the Edit Class button towards the top of the screen.

Step-by-Step Guidance

  1. On the 'Create or Edit Class" screen scroll down to the "teachers" section
  1. Scroll to the bottom and click delete class.

  1. A warning message will pop up, reminding you that you will no longer be able to access any assignments or assessments from this class.
  1. Click cancel to exit out of this action.
  1. Click delete to remove the class from your records.

Delete a Class as an Administrator

  1. Click on your name in the top right and click on Manage Classworks. 
  2. Click the Classes sub-tab.

  1. Click on the name of the school on the left side of the window. 

  1. Place a check beside the class(es) you would like to delete.

  1. Click the Delete Class button then click Save.

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