Skills Snapshot Results Report
This report displays mastery of skills based on the Skills Snapshot assessment results as well as on the resulting Instructional Learning Path (ILP). Teachers are able to view the status for all skills on the assessment for an entire class or ...
Skills Snapshot Results: Mastery Measurement Report
This report displays mastery of skills over time, allowing teachers to ensure learning is occurring at an acceptable rate. It can help you determine if time on task should increase or if the instructional path should be modified to accelerate ...
Assignment Results Report
The Assignment Results report enables you to view how a class or a student is performing on a Classworks assignment. You can view both the unit activities scores and the final unit test score. You also have the option to view a list of all assigned ...
Skills Summary Report
View overall Classworks individualized learning instruction completed. This summary of student work can be used to give students a Classworks grade by subject. The rigor of the work can be determined by comparing below, on, and above grade level time ...
Individualized Learning Results Report
This report gives users the ability to effectively visualize and monitor student usage and results in students' Individualized Learning Paths. Teachers may consider adjusting assignments as the year progresses when more on and above-grade-level ...
Individualized Learning Standards Mastery Report
As a part of their Individualized Learning Path (ILP), students may spend time working on an array of standards across multiple grade levels. The Individualized Learning Standards Mastery Report allows teachers to see the standards that align to the ...