When should I use domain-based probes and when should I use mastery measurement to measure skills?

When should I use domain-based probes and when should I use mastery measurement to measure skills?

Choose the tool that provides the data you need:
  1. Domain-based Progress Monitoring provides Growth data
  2. Mastery Measurement provides skill-specific proficiency data
The most effective approach often combines both measurement types within a single math IEP. For example:
  1. A growth-based goal for problem-solving fluency measured by timed assessments
  2. A mastery goal for specific multiplication facts measured by accuracy tests

Growth Data is key for MTSS implementations to help document interventions along the identification process for special education. Special Education implementations also need the data from Classworks valid and reliable Domain-based Progress Monitoring to document student growth toward their IEP goals over time. 

Growth-based measurement in mathematics is most appropriate when:
  1. Working with students significantly below grade level, like those struggling with basic arithmetic who need to show progress toward grade-level computation
  2. Addressing skills that develop gradually, such as mental math speed, estimation accuracy, or mathematical reasoning
  3. Focusing on foundational areas requiring continuous progress (e.g., number sense, operational fluency)
  4. Tracking progress where small improvements matter (like moving from counting on fingers to retrieving math facts)

Skill Proficiency Data is needed within Special Education implementations to document student progress with short-term objectives and pre-requisite skills. This discrete skill-specific data is available from Classworks Mastery Measurement probes.

Mastery measurement is better suited for:
  1. Discrete math skills with clear right/wrong demonstrations (multiplying two-digit numbers, reducing fractions)
  2. Procedural skills needed for advanced work (using order of operations, solving one-step equations)
  3. Mathematical rules that require consistent application (regrouping in subtraction, decimal placement)
  4. Prerequisite skills for higher math concepts (fraction basics before algebra)