Student Usage Report

Student Usage Report

View all assessment and instruction data completed and in progress during the specified time frame! This is a great way to look at Classworks usage for a student, class, group, or school. This summary of student work can be used to track time-on-task against goals, especially for MTSS and IEP documentation.

This report reflects data for both completed and in-progress work and includes assessment results, ILP data, and instruction assigned to the students by their teacher(s). 

Generating the Report

1. Navigate to the Reports tab then click Classroom Management in the menu options on the left.

2. Under Student Usage, click create.

3. Select which students you would like to generate this report for using these steps here.

4. Choose your Report Options:

  • Give your report a name

  • Choose to Summarize By Selected Students

  • Select a Date Range for the report

5. Review your selections and click create.

6. A preview of your report will appear! Click the down arrow or printer icons in the top right to print or download the report, or click the back arrow on the left to return to the settings if changes needed to be made.

Example Report

Student Summary

This gives you an overall picture of what your student(s) have worked on in Classworks. For Math, Language Arts, and Science, you can see if students have taken a Classworks assessment and those details, as well as the details for any instruction they've worked on. TOT is represented as HH:MM:SS.

Assessment Detail

This section includes more details about the assessments the students may have taken. It gives detail about the Classworks Universal Screener), Custom Assessments that have been assigned by their teacher, as well as any Skills Snapshots or Progress Monitoring they may have taken. TOT is represented as HH:MM:SS.

Instruction Detail

Includes Time on Task (represented as HH:MM:SS.) and Score detail for Math, Language Arts, and Science. You can also see if the instruction the student worked on was a part of their ILP or assigned to them by a teacher. 

Reading the Report - Student Averages

Let’s take a look at the Student Usage Report for two students, specifically, their Average Instruction Results.

At the top of the report, the Student Summary Section provides an overall Average for each individual student as well as the total average across all selected students for Mathematics, Language Arts, and Science. For this example, we will focus on Mathematics.

How do we calculate these numbers? Chester’s overall Math Instruction average is 89% (#1). This average is calculated by adding up all his Math scores, across both ILP and Classroom Instruction, to get an overall average.

For Connie, we also took all of her Math Scores, across both ILP and Classroom Instruction, and averaged those results to get her average of 64% (#2).

Finally, to get the overall Math average for both students, we add up all their Math scores together, across all their completed ILP and Classroom Instruction, to get a total average of 73% (#3),

Each student’s Instruction Averages can be further broken down in the Instruction Detail table towards the bottom of the report.

In looking at the Instruction Detail, Chester has a current average of 88% (#1) in all the Math activities he’s completed in his Individualized Learning Progression. For the Classroom Math Instruction that he has completed, his average is 100% (#2).

Connie has a current average of 65% (#3) in all the Math activities she’s completed in her Individualized Learning Progression. For the Classroom Math Instruction that she has completed, her average is 56% (#4).

What to Look For

As you read the report, notice the following items: 

  • The number of students the data is reflecting for each school, grade level, teacher, or class. 

  • Are the targeted students getting the recommended amount of time per week in Classworks instruction? 

  • How does the usage compare to the other schools, grades, teachers, classes, or students? 

  • Are students spending more time in one subject versus another? Is this consistent with the school’s implementation plan?

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