Skills Summary Report

Skills Summary Report

View overall Classworks individualized learning instruction completed. This summary of student work can be used to give students a Classworks grade by subject. The rigor of the work can be determined by comparing below, on, and above grade level time on task and number of units.

This report reflects data for only completed/finished units. 

Generating the Report

1. Navigate to the Reports tab then click Instruction in the menu options on the left.

2. Scroll to find Skills Summary then click create.

3. Select which students you would like to generate this report for using these steps here.

4. Choose your Report Options:

  • Give your report a name

  • Choose to Summarize By Selected Students or Individual Students

    • Selected Students: This totals all of the data for all of the students you selected and reports it by grade level.

    • Individual Student: This shows summary data for each individual student, as well as totals.

  • Select subjects (Mathematics, Language Arts, or both)

  • Date Range for the report

5. Review your selections and click create .

6. A preview of your report will appear! Click the down arrow or printer icons in the top right to print or download the report, or click the back arrow on the left to return to the settings if changes needed to be made.

What to Look For

As you read the report, notice the following items: 

  • The number of students the data is reflecting for each grade level, teacher or class. 

  • Is the majority of the time on task spent working in below, on or above grade level work? Is this consistent with the school's implementation plan? 

  • The proficiency dot is reflective of the on-grade level work only. 

  • How does the time on task and percentage compare to the other grade levels, teacher, classes or students? 

  • The subject is listed at the top of the report. Are the students spending more time in one subject versus another? Is this consistent with the school's implementation plan? 

  • Use the summary column to view the overall percentage and the total number of units completed for that subject. 

  • For display by School, Teacher, or Class, the row titled “Totals” reflects averages of the display by option. For example, if you display by class, then the totals will be the average of the classes displayed. So each class is weighed equally regardless of the number of students with data in each class.

Skills Summary Report Guide

Example: Summarize by Selected Students

This report is segmented by Grade Level. Depending on the filters you chose, it could include a single grade or multiple grades.

Calculation of Summary % (last column) = The sum of each student's overall unit score average divided by the total number of students; this includes all work completed – below, on and above grade level.

Calculation of Totals (bottom row) = Totals and Average of the Display by Group. For display by schools, this would be the average of the grade levels (each grade level weighted equally). 

Example: Summarize by Individual Student

This reported is segmented by Individual Student. Depending on the filters you chose, it could include a single student or multiple students.

Calculation of Summary % (last column) = The sum of all unit scores divided by the number of units completed; this includes all work completed – below, on and above grade level. 

Calculation of Totals (bottom row) = Totals and Average of the Display by Group. For display by student, this would be the average of the students (each student weighted equally).

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