What do Suggested Tiers on the Progress Monitoring page mean?

What do Suggested Tiers on the Progress Monitoring page mean?

If a student has completed the Classworks Universal Screener, Classworks will automatically identify the student's Suggested Tier based on their percentile ranking using easy color coding. The Suggested Tiers are based on NCII’s recommended percentiles: 

  • Urgent Intervention (below 10th percentile)

  • Intervention (between the 10th and 25th percentile)

  • On Watch (between the 25th and 40th percentile)

  • At/Above Grade Level (40th percentile or above)

These suggested tiers are determined based on the student's Percentile Ranking. You can find more regarding this information here.

Students performing at the 25th percentile and above demonstrate grade level readiness and generally do not participate in the MTSS process

1. To view your student's suggested tier level for the current testing window (Fall, Winter, or Spring), navigate to the Progress Monitoring page and use the filters to find the student(s) you would like to view.

2. You can then hover over the student's suggested tier icon to view why that student is suggested at that tier:

If a student does not have a current suggested tier, Classworks does not have test data for this student to provide a suggested tier.