There is no limit to what you could do to help motivate your students using Classworks. We have a list of 100 ways to motivate your students that you can find here. You can use our Bulletin Board kit as a great place to start. Below are some other ideas that you could try to get your students motivated with Classworks.
Students with 90% mastery level each week receive a free “Sit with your best friend during lunch” pass for 1 day.
Students with an 80% mastery level each week get to wear crazy socks on Friday!
For class competition within grade levels, the class with the most usage AND a 70% minimum average receives an extra 10 minutes recess weekly!
Create a "Classworks Wall" where teachers can post the printable certificates generated by Classworks.
Students with a 70% mastery level and required TOT are put into a drawing for a prize each semester. Choose 1 Boy and 1 Girl Winner!
The class with the most growth on the Assessment from Fall to Spring receive a new set of earbuds!
Positive note home or Teacher sends home the Monthly Certificates
Class with the highest average earned gets a pizza party at the end of the month.
Give a ticket for every “A”. Kids keep up with them and use them to "buy" stuff at the end of the week.
Evens/Odds Coupons-Students only have to do the evens or the odds of a homework assignment.
One extra day to complete a homework assignment coupon, or a Free Pass on homework for one night.
Supplies pencils, sheets of paper, crayons, markers, etc.
Book Club Points-If you order from a book club, use your free points to buy books that the students will enjoy taking home.
Extra Recess
Sit at the teacher’s desk
Move your desk next to a friend (for the day)
Recognition on the morning announcements
Stars or prizes for units completed. Teacher keeps die cut stars on their desk for students to autograph when they successfully complete units. Place stars on a bulletin board for the students to view each other’s success.
Students earning an "Exceptional Time on Task" or "Exceptional Scores" certificate will get to sit on the stage with a friend during lunch.
Students earning four or more "Exceptional Scores" certificates will earn an ice cream party at the end of the school year.
Students earning six or more "Exceptional Scores" certificates will attend a bounce around party in September to kick off the new year.