What assessments does Classworks offer?

What assessments does Classworks offer?


Classworks offers a wide array of assessments inside the platform. 

Assessment options available may vary depending on your school/district's purchase.

Assessment Options

  • Academic Screening K-HS in Reading and Mathematics

  • Progress Monitoring CBM Probes K-8

    • Curriculum Sampling

    • Domain-Based

  • Skills Snapshots 1-8

  • Custom Assessments K-HS

  • SE Survey - K-HS

Universal Screener

The Academic Screener is used to identify readiness for on-grade level instruction. It is typically administered at three times a year. The assessments are composed of Math and Reading/Language Arts and are developed for each grade level, K-HS. To identify readiness, they include multiple grade levels to allow sufficient “reach” to identify student weaknesses. This assessment data is also used to modify Individualized Learning Paths (ILPs) assignments for students. The Screeners are listed on the NCII tools chart and available in English and Spanish. The screener will be automatically assigned to all students once configured at the district level.

Progress Monitoring (CBM Probes)

The purpose of Progress Monitoring is to measure the overall effectiveness of any intervention. Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) Probes are used for Tier 3 students and can serve as documentation for referral for special education. These probes have multiple forms equated for the same skills at the same level of difficulty, so they truly measure progress and show retention of gains with successive test administrations. Classworks has both long form curriculum sampling progress monitoring and shorter domain based CBMs as well. This data is also used to modify Individualized Learning Paths (ILPs) assignments for students.

Skills Snapshot

The Skills Snapshot Assessment is an assessment designed to determine which skills in an assignment each student needs to complete. Instead of starting with the mini-lesson, each unit will start with the quick quiz questions to determine if a student needs to learn that skill or not. If the student does not show mastery of a skill the instructional unit will automatically be assigned. The quick quiz is automatically given in its entirety at the end of the instructional unit, which can be used as a post-test score.

Custom Assessment

A Custom Assessment is a teacher created assessment created based on state standards. It is used to assess knowledge of particular skills, strands and/or standards. It can be administered frequently to measure a small number of specific skills, or it can be used broadly to measure a larger number of skills. It can also be administered as a pre- and post-test to measure learning gains. 

SE Competency Survey

The SE Skills Survey in Classworks is a student-facing check-in survey for students in grades 4-12 (teachers submit a survey for students in grades PreK-3). It was developed by Washoe County School District through a partnership with The Collaborative for Social-Emotional and Academic Learning (CASEL) and the University of Illinois-Chicago. More information about the Washoe County School District Social and Emotional Competency Assessments (WCSD-SECAs) and the questions included can be found here. The screener will be automatically assigned to all students once configured at the district level.

Create - Assessment Tab Tasks

From the Create > Assessment tab, you can view the assessment details, edit previously created assessments, and preview certain assessments. You can also create assessments from this tab and share them with other teachers in your school.

Note: You can only assign assessments and see the results from the Classes tab. 

Accessing Assessments

To access the Create tab, you must first log into Classworks. Once you’ve logged in:

  • Click on the Create tab, then click Assessments

  • Two categories of assessments are listed: My Created and Shared

  • You will only see assessments selected or created by your school district.

My Created Assessments

This is a list of all the custom and/or skills snapshot assessments that you have created and saved. When you first start using Classworks, this folder will be empty until you have created and saved an assessment.

Shared Assessments

This is a list of the assessments created by someone in your school or school district which they are sharing with you. They could be either custom or skills snapshot assessments.

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