What are the different Classworks Progress Monitoring types available to assign to my students?

What are the different Classworks Progress Monitoring types available to assign to my students?

Classworks uses the Curriculum-Based-Measurement (CBM) approach to progress monitoring and offers you the ability to choose between two options for each of your students. It’s important to note that both of these approaches are based in rigorous research and meet the National Council for Intensive Intervention standards for monitoring and adapting academic interventions.

Curriculum Sampling

Weekly probes provide the student with questions that span the breadth of learning at the chosen grade level. There are 20 equated forms with the same balance of concepts at the same level of difficulty. This approach is valuable because it reflects the student’s response to the intervention as it impacts the student’s overall understanding of the core content. Curriculum sampling shows even the smallest changes in student improvement, allowing educators to monitor and track student progress even when students are performing well below grade level.

Domain Based

Domain based is a subset of the larger curriculum sampling progress monitoring, allowing a teacher to focus on key domains with students, rather than looking at growth across the entire curriculum each week. There are multiple equated forms that all focus on the same domain-specific skills at the same level of difficulty. This approach is valuable when domain-specific monitoring is a preferred or necessary component of a child’s IEP or MTSS academic plan.

The Structure and Design of the Tests

Curriculum Sampling Progress Monitoring

Classworks Curriculum Sampling CBM probes include 20 parallel forms for students performing at grade levels K-8.

These can be given weekly in your RtI program to monitor progress on the full scope of grade-level expectations throughout the intervention period. The probes are brief (15 items for grade K, 20 items for grade 1, 25 items for grades 2-4, and 30 items for grades 5-8) and are given online for immediate and automatic scoring and reporting. The results are reported as a scaled score - the same scale as our Universal Screener.

Domain Based Progress Monitoring

This approach to progress monitoring focuses on specific essential skills and their related objectives and provides more granular information to pinpoint and monitor specific gaps in a child’s understanding.

Just like the Curriculum Sampling approach, the student’s performance on each weekly probe directly informs their Individualized Learning intervention.

The teacher selects the specific strand or domain that aligns with the child’s academic goal and activates Domain Based progress monitoring for that specific domain. As the student completes each weekly probe they will interact with questions tied to specific objectives that correlate to essential standards. Teachers choosing this approach have in-depth insight into the child’s growth within the chosen domain over the course of the 12-week session.