The color bubble indicators on ILPs and ILP reports represent a score range that Classworks uses to gauge curriculum mastery.
No Score - No score indicates that there has been no assignment activity, or not enough assignment activity, for data to be generated for a score to be displayed.
- Red indicates the student's score range is below expected mastery of the curriculum assigned and needs immediate conferencing and a remediation plan for improvement.
- Yellow indicates the student's score range is within an area of concern, and is close to falling below expected mastery of the curriculum assigned. Frequent conferencing and coaching is essential within this range.
- Green indicates the student's score range is good and they are on target for the expected mastery of the curriculum assigned.
- Blue indicates the student's score range is excellent and above expected mastery of the curriculum assigned. Recent studies show that an 80% mastery or above, on Classworks curriculum, will show visible and significant student progress and improvement overall, and for the school as well.