What are Monthly Scores and Where do I Find this Information?

What are Monthly Scores and Where do I Find this Information?


Navigate to a student's detail screen. This is where you can see the student’s Individualized Learning progress in month-by-month summaries and print achievement certificates the student has earned.
Use the Classworks Bulletin Board Kit to recognize and motivate students!

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Monthly Performance Star Ratings

The overall average the student earned on their ILP work will be designated by the number of gold-colored stars:
  1. 0 Stars = No work has been done on this ILP during this month
  2. 1 Star = Overall ILP Average is between 0% - 49%
  3. 2 Stars = Overall ILP Average is between 50% - 69%
  4. 3 Stars = Overall ILP Average is between 70% - 79%
  5. 4 Stars = Overall ILP Average is between 80% - 100%

Monthly Time on Task Bar Graph

The bar graph illustrates the length of time the student has worked on the ILP during each specific month. The bar graph is measured in increments of 30 minutes.
  1. Each month’s bar will be shown in blue or green:
  2. Blue = 89 minutes or less time working on the ILP during this month
  3. Green = 90 minutes or more time working on the ILP during this month

Monthly Detail Screen

Clicking on the Stars or Bar Graph next to any month will open a detailed screen that includes detailed information about each ILP Skill Unit the student has completed or worked on during the month.

  1. Each Skill Unit is listed sequentially
  2. The total time on task the student spent on the Skill Unit is shown
  3. The date the student completed or last worked on the Skill Unit is displayed
  4. A Green Dot makes it easy to see which skills the student did well on and earned an 80% + average
  5. A Red Dot highlights the skills where the student did not earn an 80% average
Students can see this same information from their login.

Student Recognition Certificates

Students can earn certificates of recognition for their ILP work each month. Certificates are awarded to all students who:
  1. Earn 3 or 4 Stars = Exceptional Scores Certificate
  2. Work for 90 minutes or more designated by a Green Bar = Exceptional Time on Task Certificate
  3. Earn 3 or 4 Stars and work for 90+ minutes = Exceptional Scores and Time on Task Certificate 
Students have this same view and can see or print certificates from their login