What are My Teacher Assigned Assignments?

What are My Teacher Assigned Assignments?

My Teacher Assigned work is instruction or assessment that a teacher has assigned to a student.

This work is organized in a separate section from the student's Learning Path. 

Types of My Teacher Assigned work

There are a few different types of assignments a teacher can assign to students or classes: 

  1. Created Instruction: These are custom assignments you can create and save.

    1. Teachers create assignments to support a lesson they are covering in the classroom
    2. These are assigned in addition to a student's Individualized Learning Path 
    3. Teachers create and tailor assignments to focus on a particular standard or skill
    4. Creating custom assignments gives the teacher the ability to:
      1. organize units in a specific order
      2. align to a pacing guide
      3. target skills on multiple or single grade levels
      4. refine by the instructional application
  2. Classroom Instruction: This is made up of Classworks content

    1. Integrated Reading passages
    2. Classworks Applied Mathematics problem sets
    3. Science
  3. Shared Instruction: These are custom assignments other users have created and shared within your school. 

Assigning Assignments

Reviewing and Grading Assignments

Check out these articles for information on reviewing and grading assignments you've given to your students:

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