Understanding where students are with their learning and how they may perform helps you make informed decisions about students’ interventions. Assessments that identify students at risk or in need of interventions better prepare you to support those students and give them the best opportunity to close gaps.
We’ve applied results from the Classworks Universal Screener Reading and Mathematics assessments to help you predict whether individual students are on track or need more assistance to succeed on the End-of-Grade tests in language arts and mathematics in grades 3 through 8.
Locate your state test below to view the Universal Screener scaled score ranges to identify Non-Proficient and Proficient learners:
Florida - FAST | Mississippi MAAP | North Carolina EOG | Texas STAAR |
Georgia - Milestones | Missouri MAP | Ohio OST | Smarter Balanced SBAC |
Kentucky K-PREP | New Jersey SLA | Pennsylvania PSSA | |
Michigan STEP | New Mexico MSSA | South Carolina SCReady |