Using Classworks Data to Create IEP Goals

Using Classworks Data to Create IEP Goals


Creating effective IEP goals begins with understanding where your student is and what they are ready to work on. Additionally, it involves measuring progress and providing Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for students to meet their goals. Classworks provides the data to create measurable, individualized academic goals and we make it simple to copy and paste the data into the tool of your choice! You have assessments to identify present levels of performance, standards and skills-based goals and objectives, and automated progress monitoring on the selected objectives. Want to take it a step further? Students have an individualized learning path (ILP) with the exact instruction they need to achieve goals based on their screener and weekly Progress Monitoring data. Learn more about ILPs in our knowledge base

Below is step-by-step guidance on using Classworks data to create an IEP goal. 

Step One

Review the student’s latest screener results. Select either the student’s overall score, or one of the domain specific scores as a starting place for the goal. For example the overall score is a 460 and the domain score for Algebra is 500.

To find this information, select the student's name in Classworks to view the detail of the student. 

Choose Screening on the left. 

You will see data that looks like this. 

Step Two

Use the chart below to determine how the student’s score, either their overall score or a specific domain, aligns to the student’s current level of performance.

For example, an overall score of 460 in math is middle of year (MOY) 6th grade and a 500 in Algebra is beginning of year (BOY) 7th grade.

Step Three

Determine an ambitious but attainable goal for the student, based on the student’s abilities. Do this by selecting the scale score that matches the expected growth.

Note: Ideally, this goal helps the student attain more than one year’s worth of growth, but the exact growth goal is determined by the team writing the goals. 

Next, subtract the starting number from the goal number to establish the growth.

For example, if using the overall score the goal may be to grow from the MOY 6th grade to BOY 8th grade over the course of the IEP. The goal is 540. The starting place is 460. 

540 - 460 = 80  The goal in this case is 80 points of growth.

If the domain of Algebra is being used for the goal, it may be to grow from MOY 7th grade to end of year EOY 9th grade over the course of the IEP. 

590 - 500 = 90 Here the goal is 90 points of growth.

Step Four

Finally, write the goal as a statement.

Given Classworks Mathematics Universal Screener, Kelsey will achieve 80 points of growth, increasing the score from a 460 (MOY 6th grade) to a 540 (BOY 8th grade) at the end of the year. 

Given Classworks Mathematics Universal Screener, Kelsey will achieve 90 points of growth in the Algebra domain, increasing the score from a 500 (MOY 7th grade) to a 590 (EOY 9th grade) at the end of the year. 

That’s it! Now you have a measurable goal based on valid and reliable data that can be tracked and documented using Classworks Progress Monitoring.

Other Considerations

Choosing a Standard

To find this information, select the student's name in Classworks to view the detail of the student.  Choose Screening. Select the view standards button in Screening to select the relevant standard. 

Choose the standard related to the appropriate domain based on the student’s screening results. 


To choose the short-term objectives go to Progress Monitoring. Choose your student and select Start. Select skill based. Next, select the skill domain and level of performance. For example, for Chester, we have chosen Reading Level 1 based on Chester’s Screener data. Click the blue link that says Writing IEP Goals?  Please note, Classworks and NCII recommend that you choose objectives at the student’s present level of performance, however, teachers can select the level of their choice. 

Selecting the link takes you to a list of objectives and standards. Easily copy and paste the objectives you want to add to the IEP goal.

Once you’ve finalized your Progress Monitoring selections, click Start. The student will receive weekly probes to measure progress on your selected objectives.

 View progress each week by selecting the student, clicking view detail, and Progress Monitoring. 

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