Can a student "re-do" work assigned by a teacher?

Can a student "re-do" work assigned by a teacher?

Yes, teachers can give students or entire classes the opportunity to "re-do" work they have assigned. This option is used when:

  1. The teacher notices that a group of students struggled with the concept in the assignment, met with the students in small group to provide remediation and review and then reassigned the work to measure student understanding.
  1. The teacher assigns the class an assignment to measure understanding of a concept prior to whole-class instruction and wants to reassign it midway through whole class instruction to measure growth.
Staff use the "Change Status" column to do this. 

Step-by-Step Guidance

Modify an Assignment (For the Entire Class)

You can modify an assignment for either your entire class or individual students by skipping an assignment, assigning other units or components of units, or making assignments inactive. 

To skip, assign or reassign units or activities to an entire class:

1. From the Classes tab, click on the class name. 

Once the Class Assignments page displays, you can change to another class by using the Class drop-down box at the top of your screen.
2. Click the Instruction sub-tab then click Customize next to the name of the assignment. 

Only Current assignments are displayed. If you want to see Inactive or Completed assignments, use the View drop-down box in the upper left of the screen.

3. To find and select a unit's component, click the + to expand the list. 

  • To assign the unit or unit component, change to a  symbol next to its name. 

  • To skip the unit or unit component, change to a Ø symbol next to its name.

4. Click Save.

Modify an Assignment (For Individual Students)

To skip, assign or reassign units or activities to the individual student(s):

1. From the Classes tab, click on the class name.

2. To see the list of students that have been assigned a particular assignment, click the + sign to the left of the assignment.

3. Click Customize to the right of the name of the student. 

Only Current assignments are displayed. If you want to see Inactive or Completed assignments, use the View drop-down box in the upper left of the screen.

4. To find and select a unit's component, click the + to expand the list. 
  • To assign or reassign the unit or unit component, click the Assigned radio button. 

  • To skip the unit or unit component, click the Skipped radio button. 

5. Click Save.

Deactivate an Assignment

You can deactivate an assignment for an entire class. You would do this if you do not want the students to be able to access the assignment from the student module.

1. From the Classes Tab, click on the class name. 

2. To deactivate an assignment, change the drop-down box next to Customize from Current to Inactive and click Save

You can re-activate an assignment by changing the status drop-down box from Inactive back to Current, then click Save.

Delete Assignment

If you need to delete an assignment, possibly due to an error, it can easily be done. However, if you delete an assignment that students have spent time on, the data will be removed. You will not be able to retrieve the data.

1. From the Classes tab, click on the class name.

2. Locate the assignment you want to delete. Put a check in the box beside its name and click the Delete button.

The assignment will disappear from the screen; however it is not deleted until you click Save.

3. Click Save

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