1EdTech Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)

1EdTech Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)

Classworks easily plugs into your learning management system (LMS).  Integrating with your LMS is accomplished through the use of the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. 

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is an open standard created and maintained by 1EdTech, https://www.1edtech.org/. LTI enables users to add a special web link inside a learning management system (LMS) such as Schoology, Haiku, Blackboard, Canvas, and Desire2Learn that launches an external tool. This web link provides contextual information for the external tool including information about the user who selected the link, the user's role in the external tool, and other useful data.

Classworks LTI Integration

Classworks LTI integration enables students and teachers to transition to Classworks without the need for a username and password. As an LTI tool provider, Classworks is integrated with LMS LTI consumers.

In order to successfully configure the LTI integration between Classworks and your LMS, you must enable the LTI option in Classworks. Once enabled, the majority of the setup will be completed in your LMS.

For more details on how to configure an integration for a specific LMS, please refer to the LMS instruction manuals or contact your LMS provider. Edu Apps provides tutorial setup directions for most LMS providers here: https://www.edu-apps.org/tutorials.html.

It is important to note that if you choose to utilize our LTI integration route, your LMS platform will need to be LTI compliant and feature on the 1EdTech website here: http://www.imsglobal.org/cc/statuschart.cfm.

Enabling Classworks LTI Integration

Only District Administrative permissions have the ability to enable Classworks LTI integration. Once enabled, LTI integration is enabled for all sites and users.

To enable Classworks LTI Integration complete the following steps:

  • Login to Classworks with a user with district administrator permissions.

  • Click on your name > Manage Classworks > Utilities > Integrations Directory.

  • Click Edit.

  • Check Enabled.

  • Launch URL: The Launch URL indicates for Classworks that is responsible for accepting launch requests from the LMS. You will need this URL when configuring your LMS.

  • Key: The consumer key can be thought of as a username used to authenticate access to Classworks. You will need this key when configuring your LMS.

  • Secret: The shared secret can be thought of as a password used to authenticate access to Classworks. You will need this key when configuring your LMS. The shared secret can be regenerated if the shared secret is compromised by clicking on the recycle icon next to the textbox.

  • User Matching: The LMS and Classworks need to agree on how the two systems should match users when an LTI launch request is needed.

  • Refer to your LMS documentation to determine the best matching requirement to Classworks. You will need to determine the launch identification that can be provided by the LMS. Classworks can match off two 5 values: User Name, District User ID, State User ID, Alternate User ID, and Email.

  • Click Save.

Once configured to accept LTI launch request, you will need the Launch URL, Key and Secret for the LMS. Follow your LMS directions for next steps to create a launch request.

Best Practices for Implementing LTI

Consider the following best practices when implementing LTI for your district.

  • Ensure that both the LMS and Classworks agree on the field for user matching. The correct launch parameters provided by the LMS must match the user matching in Classworks.

  • The Classworks successful launch screen can be hidden from end users by the LMS setting the launch _presentation_document_target to “window”.

Example LMSs

  1. Brightspace
  2. Canvas
  3. ItsLearning
  4. Schoology