How do I use Screener Results to determine the TouchMath curriculum entry points for each grade level?

How do I use Screener Results to determine the TouchMath curriculum entry points for each grade level?

Use your student’s Classworks Math Screener results to determine their entry point into the TouchMath Curriculum.  

Step-by-Step Guidance

Run the Student Screener Summary Report 

To get started, run the Classworks Screener Student Summary Report.

The report includes the following Early Numeracy Indicators in order of complexity: 
  1. Counting Principles 
  2. Number Identification 
  3. Operations with Whole Numbers 
  4. Number Comparisons/Inequalities 
  5. Whole and Decimal Number Place Value/Decimal Operations 
  6. Spatial Reasoning/Geometry 
  7. Part/Whole Relationships 

Select the At Risk Numeracy Indicator 

View the At Risk Numeracy area on the Student Screener Summary Report (indicated with the red dot next to At Risk).
Select the At Risk area use the chart below to determine the TouchMath Curriculum entry point. 
Select the TouchMath module and grade level that most closely aligns with the student’s present level of performance for the indicated area (use your Student Screener Summary report or relevant student data).  

Choose the TouchMath Curriculum Unit and Module Below

1. Counting Principles 

Unit 1 Number & Operations Level 1 Module 1: Representing 0 - 3 
1st Grade
Unit 1 Number & Operations Level 1 Module 1: Counting 
2nd Grade
Unit 1 Addition & Subtraction Level 1 Module 1: Within 13 
Upper Grades
Unit 1 Addition & Subtraction Level 1 Module 1: Forward Counting 

2. Number Identification 

KindergartenUnit 1 Number & Operations Level 1 Module 2: Representing 4 - 5
1st GradeUnit 1 Number & Operations Level 1 Module 2: TouchPoints
2nd GradeUnit 1 Addition & Subtraction Level 1 Module 2: Within 20
Upper GradesUnit 2 Addition & Subtraction Level 2 Module 1: Counting to 1,000 

3. Operations with Whole Numbers 

KindergartenUnit 1 Number & Operations Level 1 Module 4: Addition
1st GradeUnit 1 Number & Operations Level 1 Module 4: Addition within 9 
2nd GradeUnit 1 Addition & Subtraction Level 1 Module 3: Within 50
Upper GradesUnit 2 Addition & Subtraction Level 2 Module 3: Place Value

4. Number Comparisons/Inequalities 

KindergartenUnit 1 Number & Operations Level 1 Module 3: Comparing
1st GradeUnit 2 Number & Operations Level 2 Module  1: Place Value
2nd GradeUnit 2 Number & Operations Level 2 Module  1: Place Value
Upper GradesUnit 3 Skip Counting Module 1: Skip Counting by 2 

5. Whole & Decimal Number Place Value/Decimal Operations 

KindergartenUnit 2 Number & Operations Level 2 Module 1: Representing 6 - 7
1st GradeUnit 3 Number & Operations Level 3 Module 1: Place Value 
2nd GradeUnit 1 Number & Operations Level 1 Module 4: Addition with Regrouping 
Upper GradesUnit 7 Fractions, Decimals & Percents Level 1 Module 6: Decimals 

6. Spatial Reasoning/Geometry 

KindergartenUnit 4 Measurement, Geometry & Data Module 1: Describing Objects 
1st GradeUnit 4 Measurement, Geometry & Data Module 4: 2-D Shapes 
2nd GradeUnit 4 Measurement, Geometry & Data Module 4: Measurement 
Upper GradesUnit 9 Measurement, Geometry & Data Module 1: 2-D Shapes 

7. Part/Whole Relationships 

KindergartenUnit 4 Measurement, Geometry & Data Module 3: Data 
1st GradeUnit 4 Measurement, Geometry & Data Module 6: Fractional Parts of Shapes
2nd GradeUnit 4 Measurement, Geometry & Data Module 6: Geometry 
Upper GradesUnit 7 Fractions, Decimals & Percents Level 1 Module 1: Understanding Fractions 
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