How do I use assessment partner (NWEA, Star, or iReady) data to determine progress monitoring level?

How do I use assessment partner (NWEA, Star, or iReady) data to determine progress monitoring level?


Many districts choose to integrate results from partner assessments including NWEA, STAR and iREADY into Classworks. When this data is available student results are seen on the Progress Monitoring and Student Detail screens.  The results available are dependent on which partner assessment is used. Two data measures to be considered when starting progress monitoring are percentile rank and grade level equivalence.

Percentile Ranks

Percentile rank performance on a partner assessment is available on the Progress Monitoring screen.
Use the drop down menu underneath "Universal Screener" to select the assessment results you wish to view

Each student's performance is indicated by the red, yellow, green and blue boxes.
  1. In this example, Eileen Collins scored below the 10th percentile
  1. Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong both scored between the 10th and 25th percentile
  1. John Glenn scored between the 25th and 40th percentile
  1. Mae Jamison and Ellen Ochoa both scored above the 40th percentile
  1. No results are available for Joseph Acaba, Serena Aunon-Chancellor, and Guion Bluford 

Remember, these boxes correlate with percentile ranks and recommended tiers of support.  

Grade Level Equivalence

  1. Renaissance Star data available on the Student Detail screen includes grade level equivalence (GLE)
  1. Refer to the reporting from your testing platforms to identify the level of progress monitoring appropriate for each student

2024 NWEA Update

NWEA is in the process of recalibrating its RIT scale and adopting an enhanced item selection algorithm in their newer assessments. These product updates are being released across both growth and screening tests with some states experiencing updates during the 2023-2024 school year and others seeing the changes in 2024-2025. NWEA is in a calibration phase and has identified 2025 as the target for releasing new status and growth norms. 

To find out more information on starting Progress Monitoring Sessions for your students, click here.