How do I start a Progress Monitoring session for my student?

How do I start a Progress Monitoring session for my student?

To turn Progress Monitoring Probes on for a student:

1. Using the toggle on the left-hand side, select the subject you want the student to begin Progress Monitoring (Mathematics or Language Arts) and then click the Start button.

2. Select either Domain Based or Curriculum Sampling as the type of progress monitoring for your student, along with the Level.
If the student has taken the Classworks Universal Screener, then their CBM level will automatically be selected based on their results. You have the ability to manually select their CBM level, as well. If they have not taken the Classworks Universal Screener, Classworks will automatically select one grade level below the student's current grade level specified in the user's student settings.

Domain Based

When selecting domain based CBM monitoring, first click the drop-down menu to select the domain for the student. Next, select the level of the domain based CBM probes. This level should reflect the intervention level of the skill and not their current grade level.

Curriculum Sampling

When choosing Curriculum Sampling, you'll want to select the level of CBM for the student. This should reflect the level of the student's intervention and not their current grade level.

3. Once you've selected the Probe Type and Level, select the Rate of Improvement Goal for the student. This can be altered after the intervention has started if needed. See this article for the difference between Moderate and Aggressive.

4. Finally, you can see the start and end dates that will be set when you click 'Start' and begin Progress Monitoring. The duration of the CBM is set for 12 weeks and can be stopped at any time.