How do I monitor student work on custom assignments?

How do I monitor student work on custom assignments?


Once an individual student or an entire class has completed an activity or a whole unit within an assignment, you can view the results. You can view the results in two ways: The Classes tab or an Instruction report. We are going to look at how to monitor instruction using the Classes tab.

Note: Although there are several report options available, we generally recommend the Assignment Results Report to see student progress on Custom Instruction. 
Also, keep in mind that this is not for work on the student's ILP, it is for custom instruction that has been assigned by a teacher on the Classes tab.

Viewing results

To view results on custom instruction, navigate to the Classes tab and click your Class Name.

Once on the Instruction tab, you can view results on an assignment as a class summary or student by student.

If you don't see any assignments listed on the page, you may have to adjust your view using the dropdown menu in the top left corner. Change the view from Current to All.

Viewing the data as a class 

After you're on the Classes tab, you can see a list of assignments you've assigned to students in your class. Out beside the name of a unit, you can see a summary of student progress including Status, Quiz Average, Activities Remaining, the total amount of time spent, the Mode setting, mastery setting, and the date it was assigned.

By clicking the blue Customize link, you can get even more detail on how your class is performing on each unit of the assignment.

This view shows you the Units that make up the assignment, the standard(s) addressed, if they are active or turned off, the class average for each unit, and the total time spent.

By clicking the + sign next to a unit name, you can expand it to see all of the activities that make up the unit, as well as the same detailed information.

You can turn off an entire unit or even an activity for the whole class by clicking on the green checkmark and turning it to a Null symbol. You'll just have to be sure to click Save.

Viewing the data for individual students 

If you want to see how individual students are performing on the assignment, you can easily expand your view to show the breakdown by student.

After navigating to the Classes tab and clicking on your class name, you'll see a list of assignments you've assigned to your class.

Click the + sign next to an assignment name to expand it down to show student detail.

From here you get a detailed breakdown of how each student is performing on that particular assignment. You can see the status, their quiz average, how many activities are remaining, how much time has been spent, the mode setting, mastery setting, and the date it was assigned.

To break it down even farther for a student, you can click the blue Customize link next to a student's name to see their progress on individual units and activities.

Again, you'll be able to see the standard(s) addressed, the unit status, percentage, and total time. You can mark a Unit from Complete to Assigned if you think the student should try it again. Just be sure to click Save.

To see how the student performed on the individual activities of the unit, click the + sign next to the unit name to expand it. You'll see all the same details and can make decisions on whether certain activities might need to be reassigned or even retaught.

If you mark anything from Completed to Assigned or vice versa, just make sure you click Save to save your changes.

What To Look For

It is important to conference with the student on a regular basis and discuss his/her results. When viewing student results, notice the following: 

  • Any components below mastery will be displayed in red. 

  • Total time spent in each component. Did the student rush through? 

  • Compare how the student performed on the activities versus the quiz (if applicable). Is there a discrepancy? Did they perform well on some but not others?

  • Click on any activity to preview it. Is it an appropriate level for the student? Maybe you will want to work through it together with the student to check for understanding.

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