This procedure is used whenever you need to locate a specific user, view the groups and/or classes the user belongs to, edit a users' information or enable/disable/delete a user. District Administrators within Classworks can also search for and resolve duplicate users.
1. Click your name in the top right then click Manage Classworks.
1. Clicking the user's last name opens the Edit User window.
Edit options include:
Update the user's name, username, ID, password, grade (students only).
Edit email address.
Edit student demographic information.
2. Update the appropriate information and click Save.
1. From the Administration page > Users sub-tab, click on a user's name. The Edit User window will appear.
You have the ability to export a set of users to use the bulk enrollment functionality to add the users to a new group, such as a custom group, or modify the properties of the users. This may include adding fields such as demographics or updating fields in mass.
To export users out of the Classworks manager into a .csv file:
1. From the Administration tab > Users sub-tab, use the filters on the right-hand side of the screen to locate the appropriate students.
Note: You can always remove users from the exported .csv file if needed.
District ID
Last Name
First Name
Password (Student Only)
School SIS ID
User Type (0= student 1= staff)
Note: It will export all users that match the current search criteria determined by the filters selected.
1. From the Administration page > Users sub-tab, click on a user's name. The Edit User window will appear.
2. In the Groups section, check the box to the left of the group name, click the Actions dropdown and select Remove.
3. A warning will pop up. Click remove once more to remove the group.
Use this option when you want a user to remain in the Classworks manager, but not allow access to the student or teacher module. This allows for ease of reactivation of students/staff who leave the school district and then later return. If a user has too many incorrect login attempts, they will be disabled. Use this functionality to enable them again.
1. From the Administration page > Users sub-tab, select the user(s) to be disabled.
1. From the Administration page > Users sub-tab, select the user(s) to delete.
1. From the Administration page > Users sub-tab, click on the Check for Duplicates button.
Entire database
Particular school (a drop down menu will appear with a list of schools when this option is selected)
Merge the duplicate with the user that has the most usage or least usage. (Example: Two Johnny Smith's are located. One of them has more Time on Task than the other. The Johnny with less time on task will be merged into the user with the higher time on task or vice versa. Time on task includes time spent in both instruction and assessments)
Delete all but the user with the most usage or least usage. (Example: Two Johnny Smith's are located. One of them has more Time on Task than the other. The Johnny with less time on task will be deleted or vice versa. Time on task includes time spent in both instruction and assessments)
Note: You will have the ability to confirm these actions on the next screen.
Each “set” of duplicates will display separately.
The total number of duplicates found is displayed above the school & usage columns.
You can change the action by changing the status drop-down menu (descriptions of each action are listed on the screenshot below).
OK button: Confirms and performs the statuses selected for the user displayed and moves you on to the next duplicate user found.
OK All button: Confirms and performs the statuses selected for all the duplicate users found. Use this option if you do not wish to confirm the actions one user at a time.
Skip button: Skip moves you on to the next duplicate user. No action will be taken for that duplicate user.