How do I generate the Comprehensive Student Report?

How do I generate the Comprehensive Student Report?

Generate the Comprehensive Student Report from the Student Detail Screen.


The Comprehensive Student report allows you to see an all-inclusive view of an individual student. The report displays instruction and assessment results at a broad level. This report includes all data completed within the date range entered, without regard to a specific class. It even separates their work on individualized instruction (ILP) from their teacher/class assigned instruction!

Instruction results can be displayed in two different ways: 

  • Skills Summary (selected by default) and/or

  • Assignment Results Summary 

All assessment results will display based on the date range selected in the report characteristics.

Step-by-Step Guidance

This report can be accessed from anywhere you see a student's name in the product.

Select Student and Create Report

1. Click on a student’s name and click on the Comprehensive Report button located in the top-right corner of the Student Details screen. 

2. In the Report Characteristics window, select the option to Summarize By Individual Student, choose your Report Instruction options, and select your data range.

  • Skills Summary (selected by default): Allows you to view a summary of work completed below, on and above grade level. 

  • Assignment Results: Allows you to view a summary of all assignments the student has worked on within the date range. You will see a list with an overall average of the activity and unit scores and the total amount of time on task spent in the assignment. It will also indicate if the assignment was part of an ILP. 

  • Note: If you wish to display only assessment results, uncheck all of the instruction display options

3. Click Preview. While previewing the report, you will have the option to Print the report to a PDF. Once in PDF format – it can be saved or printed. 

What to Look For

As you read the report, notice the following items: 

Instruction Section:

Skills Summary:

  • Is the majority of the time on task spent working below, on or above grade level instruction? Is this consistent with the school's Implementation Plan or what you know about the student? How are they performing at the different levels?

Assignment Results: 

  • Is the student spending an adequate amount of time in each assignment? 

  • How is the student performing on the activities versus the unit scores? Is there a discrepancy? 

Assessment Section:

Classworks Assessments: 

  • The most recent scores will always display. How is the student performing compared to the targeted scaled score for the assessment? (Remember that the target scaled score is based on the testing window in which the student completed the assessment – Fall, Winter, or Spring.)

Skills Snapshot: 

  • This section includes ILP data as well as assessment data. Is the student mastering the units assigned in the ILP? 

Custom Assessment: 

  • Has the student made progress between the first and last administration of the assessment? 

  • Compare how much time the student spent on the first versus the last administration of the test. 

Progress Monitoring: 

  • Notice the level of CBM administered. Is the CBM at the level of the student (recommended) or on the student's grade level? 

  • Is the student's current Rate of Improvement (ROI) on track for meeting the target ROI? 

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