How should I interpret data on the assignment results report?

How should I interpret data on the assignment results report?


  1. The Assignment Results report enables you to view how a class or a student is performing on a Classworks assignment.
  1. Includes unit activities scores and the final unit test score.
  1. View a list of all assigned instruction in an assignment for a specific student.

Generate Report

Follow the steps included here to generate the Assignment Results Report

What to Look For

As you read the report, notice the following items: 

  • For any failing scores, look at the time on task. Is it adequate? 

  • Was adequate amount of time spent in the mini-lesson? 

  • How did the student perform on the quick quiz (if applicable)? 

  • Are there multiple attempts? Is the student putting forth effort or struggling? 

Note: If there is no score, only time on task for the activities or quiz, the student exited before he/she finished.

Sample View of Summary Page

Sample View By Student (No Detail)

Sample View By Student (With Detail)

Sample View By Class (No Detail)

(Displays Class Averages)

Sample View By Class (With Detail)

(Displays Class Averages)


Red = 0-64%

Yellow = 65-74%

Green = 75-84%

Blue = 85-100%

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