How do I create a new teacher/staff account?

How do I create a new teacher/staff account?

To complete these steps you must be a site or district administrator. If you do not have permission to create a new user, it is recommended to contact your site or district administrator for Classworks. 

If you are unsure who your district has identified as the administrator, contact the Success Team ( and we will be happy to provide a list of site or district administrators. 

If your district is utilizing a rostering system such as PowerSchool or ClassLink, you will want to reach out to your district or school technical team so they can ensure any missing teachers are being shared with Classworks. If you choose to manually add a teacher, they may be automatically disabled overnight. This is not applicable for principals or admin users.

To create a new teacher/staff user account, complete the following steps: 

1. In the top right, click on your name and select Manage Classworks

2. Within the Users sub-tab, click "Create New User" at the bottom.

3. The default Type for a new user is Student. You can use the toggle in the top left to switch this to Staff.

4. The following fields are required: 
  • First and last name 

  • District ID, Password, & Username (District ID & Username must be unique for each user) 

    • District ID can be an employee number, or the same as their Username

  • User must be added to a group 

  • Email address

5. Add the user to the correct Group. 

  • Locate the school where you want to add a user. 

    • Use the search feature to narrow down the list of available groups

  • Put a check in the box of the group you want to add. 

  • When finished, click the Add button. 

  • The new group will be listed in the Groups section. 

When users are enrolled in Classworks, they must be placed in the proper group. Group membership determines which tasks can be performed within Classworks. Staff users are entered into a district group or a school group.
  1. District level groups have access to all schools within the district.
  2. School level groups have access to a particular school.
  3. Students have one group – a school level student group.

6. Once everything is filled out correctly, click Save at the bottom!

Views Based on Permission Level

District Administrator/Superintendent View 

District Administrators have access to all schools in the district. Only users with District Administration or Superintendent rights have the ability to share instruction and assessments district-wide, disable courseware district-wide, customize messages, enter district grading periods/testing window dates, create custom groups, and import or export data from the Administration tab.

Site Administrator/Principal View 

Site Administrators only have access to their school. They have the ability to manage users and classes within their school.

Lab Manager View 

Users in the lab manager group have the ability to manage classes within their school from the Administration > Classes sub-tab. They do not have the ability to add/remove/disable/enable users.

Teacher View 

Teachers do not have access to the Administration tab. They only have access to their classes and classes they have been given permission to edit/view.

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