How can parents and families track a student's progress?

How can parents and families track a student's progress?

Each student has access to their Classworks data when they are logged into Classworks. Parents and families track their learner's achievement from this log-in.
Many students log-in to Classworks using a Single Sign On (SSO) credential provided by their school. Teachers use the Student Roster Report to print student login cards to facilitate family access to their learner's Classworks account. 

Landing Page/Main Screen

  1. After logging in, families see the student landing page
  1. Use this screen to navigate to specific content areas and resources 
  1. Click on the student's initials in the top right corner to logout
  1. A "Star" may appear on one or more sections - this is a "Call to Action" and guides the student on where to begin

Reading and Mathematics

Most work in Classworks is found in these two sections
  1. Student information and progress is organized by content area
  1. Select Reading or Mathematics to view a student's progress and results in that subject
  1. Up to 4 types of information is available. The types of information available are dependent on how the school/district is using Classworks.

    1. My Screener

      1. If your student completed the Universal Screener current and previous results are available

    1. My Progress Check

      1. If your student has been assigned a Progress Monitoring session current and previous results are available

    1. My Learning Path

      1. This is where your student works on instruction that is assigned based on their individual needs. 
      2. Students track their performance on each activity and earn recognition certificates.

    1. My Teacher Assigned

      1. If a teacher has assigned other work to your student it is available in this section

Additional Sections

If your learner's school is utilizing these Classworks components, information about your student's progress might also be found in these sections. 


  1. If science content has been assigned to your student it is available in this section

My Smart Tracker

  1. Students monitor progress toward a goal in this section 

My Wellness

  1. Students view and reflect on their SE Competency Survey results in this section

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