How can I share assessments and instruction district-wide?
Classworks District Managers have the ability to share assignments and/or assessments district wide. This option is typically used when a district wants multiple schools within their district to use the same assignment/assessment.
District Managers can share the following district wide:
- Assignments/Assessments created and shared by other users.
- Self-created assignments/assessments.
Share District-Wide
1. Click on your name in the top right then click Manage Classworks.

2. To share an assignment: Click on the Create sub-tab.
To share an assessment: Click on the Assessment sub-tab.
3. Expand the appropriate type of instruction/assessment you wish to share by clicking the + symbol.

To share an assignment or assessment district-wide, change the
symbol to a
symbol. Click the Save button in the bottom right.
View and/or Remove District-Wide Shared Assignments or Assessments
2. To remove an assignment or assessment from being shared district-wide, change the
symbol to a
3. If changes were made, click the Save button.
Additional Notes
Assignments and assessments shared district-wide will display as a Preset assignment/assessment.
Assignment and assessments created by someone else must be shared by the user under the main Instruction or Assessment tab before you can share them district-wide.
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