How can I preview a skill/activity without assigning it?

How can I preview a skill/activity without assigning it?

Each unit/activity in Classworks can be accessed without having to assign it to students. This is great as this allows teachers to test out activities on their end for troubleshooting with students, as well as supporting Classroom teaching. Below are instructions on how to locate our Practice Unit Launcher (PUL) while creating custom instruction.

This article describes the process to preview instruction.
Read more about previewing the objectives included on Classworks Domain-based Progress Monitoring probes 

1. From the Create tab, click Instruction then click on the Create New button.

2. Select either Language Arts or Mathematics:

3. Choose your grade level

4. You can use the search bar to search for keywords that appear in your state standards

5. By drilling down through the standards and elements, you will find the specific skills that tie to the standards that you have chosen.

6. Each skill name is a hyperlink. Click on the skill name to launch the Practice Unit Launcher.

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