Teachers and Staff users can chat with the Classworks Success Team to get technical support at any time through our Chat widget from either our website (curriculumadvantage.com) or while signed in to Classworks.
While Zoho (our chat provider) is not an ad-provider, ad-blocking plugins (e.g., Adblock, Adblock Plus, uBlock, Ghostery, NoScript, and Firefox Privacy Browsing mode) offer options to block JavaScript that also includes tracking functionality.
EasyList is an optional supplementary subscription that completely removes all forms of tracking from the internet, including web bugs, tracking scripts, and information collectors, thereby protecting your personal data.
If you wish to enable the Chat support button in Classworks but still use an ad blocker, you should either disable or whitelist the ad blocker specifically for the following websites domains:
*.classworks.com Classworks does not serve ads, so it's safe to whitelist our domain.
*.zoho.com Required to enable the chat button.
Using Firefox privacy mode can block the Chat button.
If you're using the browser Firefox and starting a private browsing session, by default, it will block the Chat button. You can enable the button again by changing the setting on the first page that opens in private mode, as shown below:
If your school or district is using a content filter to filter restricted sites on the Internet for Student, the content filter can block the domains needed for the chat functionality to work.
If you wish to utilize the Chat support button in Classworks, you should reach out to your district or school's technical team to see if they can whitelist the following websites domains:
*.classworks.com Classworks does not serve ads, so it's safe to whitelist our domain.
*.zoho.com Required to enable the chat button.