Classworks makes it easy to reassign a CBM Probe to a student if you think they would benefit from another attempt. Maybe the student rushed through it that week or didn't try their best. Whatever the reason, the current week's probe can be reassigned.

Reassign is only available for the current calendar week!
A student only has until the end of the week to retake a probe.
To reassign a CBM for the current week:
1. Navigate to the Progress Monitoring page and use the filters on the left side of the Progress Monitoring page
2. Click view detail.
3. The student’s Active CBM Intervention Interval will populate by default. There you'll be able to reassign the CBM for the current week.
4. A warning box will appear asking if you are sure you want to remove the existing data for the week so the student can reassess. If you are sure, click the 'Yes' button.

Students can only complete a reassigned probe during the same calendar week. Verify that the student has an opportunity to complete a reassigned CBM before clicking 'yes'.
That's it! The next time the student logs in during the current calendar week, they will get another attempt on the CBM for that week.